Cunard Junior High

Lunch Program

Staying for Lunch

Cunard provides a supervised lunch program for those students who are unable to go home for lunch, or would like to participate in a supervised activity.  Elementary Students who stay will eat in a supervised classroom from 11:15-11:45, while Junior High students go outside (weather dependent) or in a sport/club activity.  The Elementary and Junior High students then switch as those Junior High students that stay will eat in their supervised classrooms while Elementary students are outside or involved in sport/club activity until the lunch ends at 12:10.  Options may include activities in the gym, the library, the computer room, various club meetings, or they may go outside.  Not all activities are avilable every day.  

If students plan to leave the school for lunch at any point in the year, they must complete and return the Lunch Plan form signed by parents/guardians.


Meals to Purchase

Wednesdays: Pizza $3/slice.  Please order on SchoolsCash Online the day before.

Leaving for Lunch

Students who choose to leave school property at lunch are not to return before 12:10