Cunard Junior High

Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey

Our school has been invited to participate in the only national survey conducted to monitor the smoking, alcohol and drug use behaviors of Canadian youth, and also asks questions about bullying, mental health and school connectedness.  This survey is funded by the NS Department of Health and Wellness and Health Canada, and will be implemented by Dalhousie University.

On December 19, 2016, students who have returned the parental permisson fomr will be asked to take part in the survey.  An information letter and permission forms were sent home on Nov. 23.  Students are asked to return completed permission forms before Dec. 9, 2016.  If your child did not recieve one, or your child needs a new one, they can see Ms. McKay.  

For more information about the project and access to copies of the questionnaire click here